STS High School 14–18 years of age

Bo went on high school in the USA

Fri Sep 08 2023

Bo from the Netherlands went on exchange to Kansas in the USA.

"Dear future exchange student,

How wonderful that you are thinking about doing an exchange year. Please go for it! It’s such a unique experience and it will change your life forever. This amazing step out of your comfort zone might seem scary (which it isn't) but it is worth it! I went to Kansas in the United States and had a great time. There will be hard times, but you will experience the best time of your life.

My best advice for future exchange students: Get involved! Participate in every school activity, join a sport, and join a club. These are the places where you have a great chance to make friends. Don't be shy, you are the most interesting student at their high school!

What I completely underestimated was the reverse culture shock when returning home. You will find that you have grown, and things have changed in those 10 months. Keep that in mind. But above all, enjoy wherever you go, it will be a time to remember for life!"

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