Actu de STS


Retrouve les toutes dernières news de STS Education ici. Nous partageons tout notre goût pour les voyages linguistiques et les échanges en High School, ainsi que des astuces et conseils avant votre départ.

  • News! Now even more choices when you go on exchange to the USA


    Previously, we at STS have offered two different programs to those who have chosen to do their exchange year in the USA. Classic and Select. But no...
  • How to learn a new language fast


    Moving to a new country and immersing yourself in a different language is one of the most exciting (and sometimes nerve-wracking!) parts of an...
  • 5 choses à faire pendant ton année aux US


    Partir un an aux USA ne se limite pas à apprendre une autre culture et découvrir de nouveaux aspects de ta personnalité, non. Il y a des dizaines d...
  • Why choose Spain for the high school exchange


    Imagine spending a year in Spain as a high school exchange student. It’s a chance to live like a local, fully experiencing life in Spain with good...
  • Why you should go on exchange to Germany


    About 130 million people speak German as a first or second language, and you could be one of them! Germany has an excellent (and free) school and...
  • What does it mean to go on an exchange year


    Going on an exchange year at a young age has many benefits. It's not just language skills and self-confidence that increase. Problem-solving,...
  • STS scholarship is back


    We want to give young people the opportunity to reach their full potential through international education and cultural exchange. That's why the ST...
  • Personnalisez votre année à l'étranger avec High School Select


    Vous voulez avoir la liberté d’organiser votre année à l’étranger comme vous l'entendez ? Peut-être avez-vous déjà une idée précise de ce que vous...
  • Host family for life


    24 years ago, I was on exchange with STS in Cape Town/South Africa. Today, as a local coordinator, I support exchange students and host families in...
  • STS in proud collaboration with American Tourister*


    STS Education and American Tourister* have entered into a partnership. - We were looking for a partner where we could offer good products in...
  • Sortir des sentiers battus


    D'accord, nous le savons ! Lorsque l'on parle d'échange scolaire, la plupart des gens pensent immédiatement à un séjour aux États-Unis. Vivre un an...
  • Zahra d'Autriche a gagné notre bourse


    Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter Zahra Husseini d'Autriche, lauréate de notre bourse d'études secondaires STS Education 2024/25. Zahra est une...
  • From East Berlin to the Land of Milk and Hot Dogs


    Janina Winkler is from East Berlin – and she was the first GDR student to go on exchange to the US with STS. When Janina set off for Springfield,...
  • 5 raisons de partir en année d'échange


    Avez-vous envisagé de partir à l'étranger dans le cadre d'un échange scolaire ? Aller au lycée dans un autre pays, vivre dans une famille d'accueil...
  • Why you should go on a high school exchange with STS


    Going on a high school exchange is a big decision, but it will be the best decision of your life. We will help you! Here are some reasons why you...
  • Announcing a new annual scholarship


    In today’s world, a global perspective is more important than ever. A high school year abroad is a transformative experience, resulting in personal...
  • How to get along with your host family


    Going abroad and living with another family may feel strange at first, especially when everything is new. You are used to certain routines and rule...
  • Experience the adventure: Tips for a successful exchange year!


    Whether you go on an exchange for three months or a whole year, it will be an incredible experience that will change you forever. You will discover...
  • Pack smart and get ready for your adventure as an exchange student!


    Wow, soon it's time for you to start your great adventure as an exchange student! It's really something to look forward to, and we want to help you...
  • STS Founder turns 90


    Today, November 28, 2022, the founder of STS, Lars Magnusson, celebrates his 90th birthday. Giving young people the opportunity to learn has been...
  • Friends


    STS become a new contributors to Friends – a Swedish organization working against bullying We are so proud of being new contributors to Friends – a...
  • Save the children


    STS supports Save the Children Like millions of people around the world, we’re appalled by the ongoing crisis unfolding in Ukraine. We do not have...
  • New Team


    Comme le temps passe vite ! Nous avons malheureusement dû dire au revoir à notre collaborateur Lilian Schlegel hier. Après quatre années mouvementé...
  • Étudiants boursiers 2021


    Les bourses STS pour 2021/22 sont accordées à ces six jeunes curieux, créatifs, qui partagent tous notre passion pour les échanges culturels. Salue...