What does it mean to go on an exchange year

Mon Sep 02 2024

Going on an exchange year at a young age has many benefits. It's not just language skills and self-confidence that increase. Problem-solving, teamwork and making new friends are also on the list. What's more, you'll make great and unforgettable memories for the rest of your life!

Imagine being able to speak another language fluently! Imagine all the people you can talk to and understand, what an adventure it will be! You will experience so many things and learn so much, not only at school, but also with your new friends and your host family. And when the time comes to look for a job, language skills are often in high demand.

Going on an exchange year simply means that you will::

  • Take a break from your studies here at home
  • Study at a high school in another country
  • Live with a host family that will become your second home
  • Get to know a completely new culture and make new friends for life
  • When you get home, you continue your studies

Many people want to study abroad at some point in their lives, and becoming an exchange student at a young age is a great option. An exchange year usually lasts 10 months, which is a full school year, but you can also go for 5 months and in some cases for just 3 months. It's up to you and what suits you best.

Get in touch with us at STS. We will help you find the best exchange year for you. Maybe it's the USA with the classic yellow buses and prom night, or maybe it's within Europe like Spain, Germany or Italy? We also offer exchange years to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Argentina. In addition, many times you can wish if you want to practice a special sport or study a special subject.

The choice is yours! Sign up for an information meeting or call us right away!