Lycée à l'étranger pour les 14-18 ans
Partir pour une année d'échange - Une expérience inoubliable !

Jule chose to study in Sweden

Mon Dec 09 2024

Jule from Germany made her 10-month exchange in Sweden.

Why did you choose to go to Sweden for your exchange?

A few years ago, I saw an interview in Swedish and fell in love with the language. I started learning it and got more interested in the country as well. So many people told me positive things about Sweden. The more pictures and documentaries I saw, the more the idea of going there for a longer time than just a holiday grew. I wanted to get to know the culture and learn the language.

How did you find the school?

At first, I was a bit confused actually, because the way they teach and how the lessons are structured is just completely different from Germany. I couldn’t really decide on the right program at first, and it was just very hard to follow the lessons and so on.

But, after settling in and changing to different classes, I started to really like the school. The school days were long and sometimes really tiring, but I learned so many new things. My school was focused on sports, and we had a lot of PE lessons, which I first wasn’t really sure about but, in the end, really enjoyed.

The teachers were so nice and really tried to teach in the best way possible. We also did a skiing trip, went outside a lot, and had a lot of freedom while studying, which was perfect for an exchange student, in my opinion.

What did you do in your spare time? Any new hobbies?

I did a lot of activities and tried different sports with my host family, like ice skating. My interest in sports grew a lot. Also, every Monday, and sometimes during the weekends, I joined the scouts and made amazing friends there.

Was it easy or hard for you to make friends?

During the first weeks, the language barrier was a problem, but I still met some people who helped me at school. After my language skills got better, I was able to join conversations, and I made amazing friends at school. Also, the scouts helped me a lot with the language, and I quickly made friends there as well.

How was it to live with a host family?

When I arrived, I immediately felt welcome and at home. It was very nice to live with a host family. They supported me during my year, especially with the Swedish language. We did a lot of activities together and I got very close with my host siblings too. We spent a lot of time together and they showed me many things in the city and area we lived in. I shared interests with all of my host siblings, that’s why we got along very well. During holidays, I got to meet relatives and family friends and joined a lot of traditions. We also traveled in Sweden, so I got to see many different places.

Of course, the family may be completely different from your family at home, but that’s exactly why it’s so interesting and amazing to be with a host family for a year. Now, after my exchange year is over, I still stay in contact with them and I’m going to visit them soon.

Was your exchange year like you expected?

I luckily listened to some former exchange students and tried to not have that many expectations. I already had in mind that not everything will be easy and that you have to manage some challenges. But in total, ‘not having expectations’ helped me to enjoy the country and special moments even more. So, I would say it was even better than I could have imagined.

Any big challenges? How did you overcome them?

I would say a big challenge was to actually start speaking Swedish. It can be hard and frustrating when you understand what the people around you say, but you can’t answer because you don’t know enough vocabulary and grammar. I would say I managed that challenge when I realized that every word you learn is an achievement and that it is ok to make mistakes while speaking.

What were the best things about your exchange?

That I got to meet my host family, all the friends I met thanks to STS, and that I learned the language.

Can you recommend going on a high school exchange?

YES! Not only because you grow independent and learn many new things, such as a new language. You also get to know so many amazing people and collect memories that will stay with you forever.

Your top advice?

  • Be open!
  • Don’t be shy to talk to people!
  • Try new things and activities!
  • Don’t overpack! I would definitely pack less. Everyone tells you that beforehand, but I didn’t really listen and then packed way too many clothes. 😅

How do you think your high school exchange will affect your future?

Now after the exchange year, I want to travel more and would also consider work and travel after school. If possible, I would like to use my Swedish language skills in the future and at my future work too.

Furthermore, I would love to stay in contact with my host family and I’m sure we’re going to travel together or visit each other in the future. I believe, I’ll always have a special connection to Sweden and will definitely come back often.

Why did you choose STS for your exchange?

STS was one of the few organizations that had Sweden as an optional country for a high school exchange. They have existed for quite long and I heard so much positive feedback. When I talked to them for the first time, they explained everything very well, which made me feel safer in my decision.

Are you happy with STS?

Yes, very! I felt very safe during my exchange, because I always had the opportunity to contact my local coordinator or STS directly if I had a problem or question. I also really enjoyed all the trips that we did with STS (e.g. Welcome Camp, North Sweden, Copenhagen).

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