Lycée à l'étranger pour les 14-18 ans
Partir pour une année d'échange - Une expérience inoubliable !

Lovisa studied on high school in the USA

Wed Mar 22 2023

Lovisa from Sweden went on exchange to the USA in 2019/2020. We asked her about her experience.

1. Why did you choose to go to the USA?

I went to the USA because I wanted to experience the typical high school culture that you see in movies. I also knew a lot of people who had gone for an exchange there and it seemed so fun!

2. Why did you go on exchange?

I wanted to see more of the world, experience a new culture, get new friends, see what American high school was like, and get memories I knew would last a lifetime.

3. How was it to live with a host family?

It was different of course but very cool and interesting. We had a lot of fun together and I got an even deeper understanding and perspective on the culture and their lives.

4. How was school?

Interesting, super fun, and easy haha. It was where I spent most of my time during my exchange year and I have lots of memories from the sports, clubs, different classes, and all my friends. Personally, I found school pretty easy which made the whole experience even better because I could really just enjoy it while making memories.

5. What did you do in your spare time? Any new hobbies?

I was on the cheerleading team in school, so we had some practices in the afternoons. Otherwise, I liked hanging out with my host family and we did lots of things at home such as cooking, playing music, walking the dog, talking, and just hanging out.

6. Was it easy/hard to get friends?

Americans are very friendly and a lot of people are interested in getting to know the exchange students. But it seemed like most of them were looking for more of an acquaintance rather than a close friend so I actually had a more deep relationship with the other exchange students who were more similar to me.

7. What was a big challenge for you? How did you conquer it?

It was very difficult at times honestly, but all the fun and new things made it worth it. You are busy all the time with school, friends, or your host family and don’t have too much time to think about anything negative. The culture shock was definitely challenging, but I was able to talk to my host family about it which made it much easier.

8. What was the best thing about your exchange year?

My host family and the cheerleading team. They were always there for me, and we had real fun together. This has given me plenty of memories that I will take with me for my whole life.

9. What’s your best memory?

It’s hard to pick one but the basketball games in school were a lot of fun. I also remember a movie night with my friends from school that felt like a typical scene from an American high school movie.

10. What are your main learnings?

How different cultures and people are around the world. You can travel a lot but living in a country really makes you experience the culture in a whole different way which is very interesting. I definitely want to live abroad again in the future.

11. How will your exchange affect your future?

It’s given me a bigger understanding of the world and a desire to travel more and see new places. It’s also given me lots of memories and an experience I will carry forever that no one else has.

12. Can you recommend going?

Yes, definitely. You have so much fun and grow a lot as a person.

13. Why should anyone go on exchange?

Because it gives you a new understanding of other cultures, you become independent and grow as a person and get memories and experiences that you’ll never forget.

14. Your top advice?

Trying not to have too many expectations and go more with the flow even if it’s hard.

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