STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958
Experience, growth, language skills

What will I get out of a year abroad?

When you return from your high school exchange year, you will realize just how much living and studying abroad has given you: new friends, new language skills, experiences of different cultures, more self-confidence, tons of fun experiences and wonderful memories. You will also have fantastic international experience to add to your CV – and that is truly an advantage for you in the future.

In addition, you will get:

  • A head start. The experience of living and studying abroad, and speaking another language fluently provide numerous advantages. That will stand out when you apply to higher education programs and jobs in the future!
  • Personal growth. Being curious and challenging yourself will enrich your life. It will help you develop many qualities that are sought after in working life, like independence, social skills, and taking initiative.
  • An international network of friends. You will get an extra family and new best friends in another country. Be sure to stay in touch, because it’s a wonderful asset to have friends all over the world. An international network is invaluable, both in your private life and for your future career.
  • A new perspective on your own culture. Studying in a different country will help you expand your view of the world. You will see your own culture through new eyes and learn a lot about yourself. What do you like about your new country? What is different? It is also fun to be able to share the traditions and values of your country when you are away.