STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958
That little something extra


A year abroad can look many different ways. If you have special wishes or options you would like to choose, you are always welcome to contact us. After 65 years in the education industry, we have answers and solutions to most things.

Wish your region

Do you have a clear image of where you would prefer to live in a certain country? In some of our destinations, you may request a state, region, or city. The opportunity to request placement depends on which host country you want to go to, and on the fact that spaces are limited because it requires a completely different administrative process for school placement and searching for a suitable host family.

If you choose a state, region, or city, this is a preference that you state in conjunction with your application. We will then do our utmost to meet your request. If we successfully meet your request, an additional fee will be applied for the placement selection. You can read more about this under each country.

Opportunity to choose a school

Sometimes it may be important for an exchange student to get to study a particular subject or play a particular sport in a specific city during their year abroad. In that case, we offer a program called STS High School Select. This is a different type of product with significantly higher program fees, because you customize your program and get to attend a private school with different program fees. If you are interested, you can read more about High School Select here.

Extra trips during your stay

At most of our destinations, extra trips are arranged for our exchange students in that country. We will determine exactly which trips will be arranged once you are there, but this is a fantastic chance to explore sites and cities in your host country. At the same time, you will have the chance to meet other exchange students who are on a similar journey as you. Registration and payment for our extra trips are done when you are in your host country.