STS High School 14–18 years of age
Let us inspire you!

Students' testimonials

What is it actually like to spend a high school year abroad? No one knows or can explain it better than the people who have gone on a high school exchange themselves. That’s why we let several of our students tell us about their year abroad, as you can read about below.

Also, don’t miss our social media channels! Follow @stsworldwide on TikTok and Instagram to get a true feel for what a high school year abroad is really like. We have our students take over our channels every week and it is full of our students’ real-life stories. Follow to see how an exchange year can change your life!

Want to share your journey?

We’d love to hear about your experiences! If you’re interested in sharing your story, send us an e-mail at You might be featured on our channels next time!

Interested in a specific destination? Choose it below!

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  • Rayn studied abroad in Sweden


    Hi, my name is Rayn. I‘m from Germany and had the chance to be an exchange student in Linköping, Sweden for half a year. Why I chose to go to Swede...
  • Eliza went on exchange to Sweden


    Eliza from the Netherlands was on exchange in Sweden. Why did you go on exchange? I wanted an experience of my own, away from all the things I...
  • Amelia went on high school in Sweden


    We managed to get an interview with Amelia from Italy. She was on exchange in Uddevalla, Sweden for 322 days. Why did you go on exchange? Because I...