STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Ada studied on high school in the USA

Fri Mar 15 2024

Ada from Finland spends her exchange in Arizona, USA.

Hi! Greetings from sunny Arizona

I had been dreaming about doing an exchange year for years and 3 months ago my dream finally came true after long waiting. I moved to Arizona! It’s been really hot (over 100°F/38°C), but now it’s getting cooler and I absolutely love the weather here!

Everyone says that exchange year is a rollercoaster and that couldn’t be more true… During the past three months, I’ve been experiencing things I never thought I would. I’ve met so many amazing people from all over the world and learned about so many cultures. Even though I’m living my dream I have my bad days and that’s totally normal. But the thing I really wanted to talk about is something I really struggled with for the first 2 months; homesickness.

I’ve never been homesick before. I traveled a lot without my parents, and I’ve always adapted to changes quickly. Before coming here, I was so excited about finally starting my exchange year and homesickness was the least of my worries. I never thought I’d be homesick. I started feeling homesick on the second day here. Can you believe that? That’s supposed to be your “honeymoon phase”; you have finally started your exchange year and everything is perfect. I really don’t know why I felt so homesick since the second day. I had “no reason” to be homesick. Basically, the first two months of my exchange year I felt homesick almost every single day. The feeling was weird. I wanted to go home but didn’t want to give up and leave America.

I decided NOT to give up and now I’m sharing some of my best tips to cope with homesickness:

  1. Join exchange student group chats. You can find other exchange students on social media. Text them and create/join a group where you can share your thoughts, worries, and joy with other exchange students. Trust me, you are not the only one struggling with homesickness (or other issues).
  2. Make a photo/video album of pictures from home. When being homesick, I tried to avoid everyday contact with my family and friends back home. Instead of talking to them, I created a photo album full of videos and pictures from home.
  3. Have your family and friends write letters for you. My friends and family wrote me letters that I still read when having a bad day. Even after reading them several times, they still make me feel better!
  4. You probably hear this a lot but it’s true: Keep yourself busy!!! And when I say this, I want to clarify that it’s totally normal to want to be alone when feeling homesick or having a bad day. But don’t stay in your room too much. Ask your host parents to go to a grocery store with them, go for a walk, try a new sport, ask someone to hang out, cook something, or just go and sit in the living room.

Homesickness is a feeling that almost every exchange student feels at some point. I would say that it’s something that is a part of your experience. Remember: you’re not alone. Every time you feel homesick, you learn more about yourself and become a stronger person!

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