STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Elena was on an exchange year in Italy

Tue Sep 10 2024

Elena from Austria went to Italy for a year.

From the age of 13, I was very determined to do an exchange year.

At first, I thought of the obvious choice, the USA. But, after some consideration, I decided that even though the experience would certainly have been wonderful, I also wanted to learn a new language.

Ever since I was little, my family and I often went on vacation to the north of Italy. But I never managed to pick up the language. So, when the opportunity arose, I decided to take it and go to Italy for a year.

The language barrier

At first, the language barrier was very challenging, especially with my host family. But after 2 months it started becoming easier by the day. I would say around Christmas time, I actually started speaking Italian and making real friends.

A highlight

A highlight was the Model UN event that I was able to partake in. I made my best friends on the bus ride there. From then on, I hung out with them every Saturday evening and enjoyed being abroad even more. After my year, they actually came to visit me in Vienna, my hometown in Austria.

Saying goodbye

It was very hard saying goodbye to everyone, and I still miss all my newfound friends every day. Hopefully, I can visit them again soon.

It will be worth it!

All in all, I have to say, that moving abroad is quite a challenge, but the memories, the experiences, and the friends you make will definitely make it worth it.

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