STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Emilia was on an exchange year in Canada

Tue May 02 2023

Emilia from Austria went on exchange to Vancouver, Canada.

Why Canada and Vancouver?

Because it is the “bigger version of my hometown in Austria” – seas, lakes, mountains, and city combined. The number of activities offered there is incredible: skiing, swimming, beach volleyball, hiking, and exploring various food and shopping spots. It was the optimal place for me to get out of my comfort zone and improve my English, although that was definitely not the biggest motivation.

How was it to live with a host family?

In the beginning, I had some troubles with my host family, but that got solved in a matter of weeks. I got to live with a wonderful, caring family. At first, it seems hard to incorporate yourself into a new household, but it is definitely worth it. You build lifelong connections there.

What did you do in your spare time? Any new hobbies?

After school, I always went out with friends and explored different districts in Vancouver. I also joined a volleyball club and got to go to many tournaments out of Vancouver. Joining this club and being part of this amazing, motivated team, was one of the best opportunities I got there.

What was a big challenge for you? How did you conquer it?

At first, it is kind of hard to build social relationships, but it develops. You just have to take your time and “trust the process”. My biggest challenge was the host family, but as said, that was solved with the help of my local coordinator.

What’s your best memory?

The absolutely best moments were when I joined a trip to the Rocky Mountains with multiple other Internationals. We got to explore all the touristy beautiful spots and I met people there, who became (in four days!) as close to me as if I had known them for a lifetime.

Can you recommend going?

My life turned upside down for a moment. Stepping out of my comfort zone was required. But if I could do it, you can do it as well! If you have the opportunity and support from your parents, go!

Just a tip, if you go, never forget to appreciate it. It’s an experience not many get the chance to do.

Can you recommend an exchange in Canada?

Yes! Especially if you like nature and skiing. People say the nature of Canada is amazing… they couldn’t be more right. And, with endless forests and mountains, skiing was one of the most amazing activities there.

Your top advice?

Although you learn a lot about new people, a new way of life, and obviously a new language, it is crucial to understand that the most significant learning is your ability to adapt to others. Nothing happens by itself; it is your responsibility to make the exchange an unforgettable part of your life. You cannot expect others to make it that way. Do not let the months pass by, but still, giving yourself time is significant, as it is an immense challenge.

Why did you choose STS?

I chose STS as it is a company that has been around for decades and has therefore much experience. Next, they offered a lot of different countries, which is nice at first, if you have no idea where to go yet. From Costa Rica to the USA and Australia you can find everything.

Were you happy with STS?

As for STS, I can gladly say that choosing this organization was totally worth every euro. From the preparation days in my home country to the welcome camp and the local support in my host country, everything always worked out well.

What are your main learnings?

Although I have been quite an outgoing person before coming here, I can still say that it made me even more extroverted and open to new things. However, it also broadened my horizon as I have experienced the North American way of life which differs immensely from the European one.

How will your exchange affect your future?

I will return with an open mind. With a feeling that the rest of the world is waiting for me to be explored. That this was just the beginning, the grand opening

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