STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Gosia studied on high school in the USA

Wed Jul 31 2024

Gosia from Poland went on an exchange to the USA.

I was doing my exchange program in American Fork, Utah. I was living there for 10 months, and I can say with full confidence that these were the best 10 months of my life.

Why did you decide to go on an exchange?

I made decision to go to because I wanted to be more fluent in English, make friends with people from different cultures, experience different education system and just grow as a person. I chose the US because I grew up watching American movies and series with all the cool high schoolers that were living their best lives and back then being one of them was one of my biggest dreams. When I only got the opportunity to go on an exchange year, I knew exactly that the US is the place where I want to go.

Dealing with nerves

I remember how worried I was in the plane flying to Utah. I was scared that I won’t find any friends or won’t get together with my host family. It turned out to be necessary cause I got the best host family I could ever wish for, and I made friends my very first day of school.

Living with a host family

Life with my host family was so much different than my life back in Poland. Before my exchange year I had only one older brother but now I have one brother and three American little sisters, and I love them the most in the whole world. It was never quiet and with three of them there was always something to do inside (and outside) the house. My host parents are the most amazing people I know. From the very beginning I knew they will be my biggest support. I could tell them absolutely everything and I always felt heard and understood. I feel like my host family became my real family. With them every memory was core. I love them.

Advice for future exchange students

One of my biggest pieces of advice is to be outgoing and patient. Not everything will go the way you think it will and that's okay. People are different, food is different, culture is different. You must take some time to understand it and adjust. There will be lots of hard moments that you have to overcome but if you’re friendly and open to get to know people everything will turn out just fine. I can promise that doing an exchange program is the greatest experience that will show you so many opportunities for the future cause studying abroad is not only teaching you the language but how to work with people, how to react in stressful situations and so much more.

I wouldn't change anything about my exchange year. I’ve learned a lot and if only someone can do it I will 100% recommend it. As I said before, exchange year was my best 10 months of my life and I wish i could do it one more time.

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