STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Liel went on exchange to the USA

Wed Nov 29 2023

Liel from Switzerland was on exchange in USA.

Where did you go on exchange and why?

I went to the USA, more specifically to Long Island, approximately 30 minutes by train from Manhattan, New York.

Why did you go on exchange?

I went on an exchange to improve my English, but also to learn about the culture and explore New York.

How was it to live with a host family?

It is definitely something completely different than living with your family back home. You have to communicate well to understand each other's values. But when you get to know each other it’s like having a cool aunt or uncle.

How was school?

School was actually really easy compared to school in Switzerland. The American schools definitely have a wide variety of subjects and I really liked that. I could take Forensics, additional gym classes, and robotics for example.

What did you do in your spare time? Any new hobbies?

I hung out with friends a lot. We went to see the volleyball and basketball games at our school, and we went to the city together. I would also say that robotics became a new hobby of mine. Not my favorite one but still nice. I practiced robotics once a week at school and I helped my team to reach the New York State Finals.

Was it easy/hard to get friends?

For me it was easy. I was very open to new things and that helped me and the people in my classes were also open which of course helped a lot.

What was a big challenge for you? How did you conquer it?

A big challenge for me was that I had to change host families. The constellation in my first family just didn’t work and I was homesick for a little while because of that. But I got over my homesickness the more I got used to my second host family.

What was the best thing about your exchange?

I think for me it was my friends in school. We played volleyball together during the breaks and talked a lot about the cultural differences of our countries. We even plan that I’m going to visit them or they visit me. Those are definitely friends that will last for a long time.

What’s your best memory?

One is a family gathering with my host family. It was in spring and my host parents invited a lot of family members and we all ate dinner together. My host mom is a great cook! I enjoyed getting to know more people.

Another favorite memory is the Prom. My friends and I styled our hair and did our make-up together. And after that, one of my friends‘ mom rented a limousine for us. I was too stunned to speak because it was my first time going in one.

What are your main learnings?

Your mom and your dad aren’t around and you have to situate in a new environment. Sometimes it’s not easy but you have to do it. The moment you go on that plane there’s no way back and you have to make the most of your time abroad. You really learn how to become more independent.

Can you recommend going?

Well, if I’m really honest, I’m not sure if I would go again. Because I had a really hard time missing everything: My home, my family and also my boyfriend. But I heard other exchange students saying that it had been the best time of their lives. And I also had high ups but on the other side also low lows. So I can only recommend an exchange for other people if I get to know them. Otherwise I can’t judge about the situation.

Why should anyone go on exchange?

My exchange has given me so many new perspectives about life. You learn a new language and you train to be independent and open. You also find new friends, try new food, explore a new city, and so much more.

Your top advice? Anything you would have done differently?

My top advice is to just say yes to everything. Try that new food or go on a rollercoaster with your friends. Try to speak to as many people as you can and don’t just stay in your room.

Why did you choose STS?

A friend of mine also went on an exchange with STS and she recommended the organization. I also really liked the website and the different programs you can choose.

Were you happy with STS?

All in all yes, even if my first host family really was not a good pick for me.

What are you doing now?

I’m going to school in Switzerland and I’m on my way to get my Matura. I am back in my environment that I had before the exchange. It is crazy how far away my exchange feels when I think about it.

How will your exchange effect your future?

I learned a lot of things and I have friends in New York to visit!

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