STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Lucie was on high school exchange in the USA

Thu Mar 30 2023

Lucie Caste from France spent her exchange in Dallas/Fort Worth in Texas, USA. We asked her some questions about her experience.

How was it to live with a host family?

Living with my host family was a bit weird at first because they were very different from my family. But we learned to know each other and they became my second family. I spent amazing moments with them.

How was school?

School was very fun! I loved the school spirit, there were always some fun activities. The students were curious to learn about my culture, which led me to many friendships.

Any new hobbies?

It made me discover many new hobbies that I would never have tried at home such as theater, track and field, and dance!

Was it easy/hard to get friends?

At first, it was a little hard. I was talking to many people, but I felt like no one was my friend. But I understood that friendships take time, and I made lifelong friends.

What was a challenge for you?

A big challenge for me was to be able to travel alone and create a new life there. Before I left I was quite shy and scared to be alone in any situation. But going on an exchange year made me overcome my fears and I became a lot more independent

What was the best thing about your exchange year?

The best thing about my exchange year was definitely the encounters. I met amazing people who changed me forever and I think I did change their lives a little too. But also that it made me step out of my comfort zone and made me see life in a different light.

What’s your best memory?

My best memory was the trip to my host family’s lake house. There, we shared simple but amazing moments, laughing and learning about each other. This is when I really felt like I was a part of the family.

What are your main learnings?

My main learnings are to step out of my comfort zone because this is how you will discover so many new things. To live in the moment because time flies. That home can be anywhere.

Can you recommend going?

Absolutely, this year changed me forever, I discovered and became a better version of myself. I would recommend anyone that has the opportunity to go on an exchange year!

Your top advice?

My top advice would be to live the moment and take all the opportunities that life offers you, but also to create those opportunities by stepping out of your comfort zone and try something new because it’s better to have remorse than regrets.

Why did you choose STS?

I chose STS because I heard many people talking about their experiences with this organization, and when I called to ask some questions, they were really nice and helpful. I don’t regret my choice because I had the best time ever!

How will your exchange affect your future?

I am sure my exchange will affect my future in a positive way. It already did in the way I see things and it helped me understand what I want to do in the future.

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