STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Maja was on high school exchange in the USA

Mon Dec 12 2022

Swedish Maja was a high school exchange student in Kansas, USA in 2016/17. Her drive came from a passion for traveling, a curiosity about experiencing a foreign lifestyle, and the urge of making friends from other parts of the world. She loved to immerse herself in a completely different culture, even though it was challenging at times. She reports: “That is the beauty about this experience - you learn so much from living with another family.”

Maja now works as a stewardess onboard superyachts in Florida and the Mediterranean. She is certain that the exchange has been beneficial to her career as it taught her to understand and respect people's cultural differences and boundaries.

Her top advice: “Go! And step out of that comfort zone even if it means trying something you have never done before!”

Maja Bergström, exchange student in the US

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