STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Nele was on an exchange year in Norway

Mon Aug 19 2024

Nele from Germany went on an exchange to Norway.

When were you on exchange and for how long?

I was on exchange in Norway from August 2023 to June 2024. I stayed for 10 months in Oslo.

How did you find the school?

Compared to school in Germany, school in Norway is easier and more relaxed. The tasks were pretty easy and we almost got no homework. I didn’t study too much and got mostly As and Bs. The teachers weren't as strict, and the student/teacher relation was more familiar and not as formal as in Germany. We often talked about private things like hobbies and pets with the teachers. This seemed strange to me at first, but after I got used to it, I loved that. It made it easier to ask questions and say things in class.

How did you manage the language (Norwegian)?

Especially in the beginning, I felt uncomfortable speaking Norwegian. However, everybody was super supportive and patient with me. This helped me to get out of my comfort zone and really try to speak Norwegian in public. In the end, I managed to speak fluently.

What did you do in your spare time? Any new hobbies?

Before I went on exchange, I played handball and I wanted to continue with it during my exchange year. I made some really good friends in my handball team. In general, it was so nice to experience handball practice in a different country and to get some inspiration.

I had a lot of spare time as I didn't have to work too hard for school. So, I started to swim, do yoga, knit, and I went on many walks with my host dog. It was wonderful not having to concentrate too much on school and trying out new things.

Some advice for future students?

Don't stress too much about making friends!! Most people, including myself, worry about this before going on exchange. Personally, I struggled a lot, especially in the first weeks, since I did not understand a thing and my class wasn't really including me.

Additionally, it stressed me to hear from other exchange students, that they made a lot of new friends during their exchange. I felt the pressure. But after overcoming the language barrier, I made some good friends in school and my handball team. It just took some time. So, don't put too much pressure on you in the first few weeks. It takes some time to get to know people and to really connect.

I really recommend doing some sport during your exchange. It is easier to connect with others when you have something in common.

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