STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Ode went on exchange to Italy

Tue Sep 10 2024

Ode van Daele, from Belgium was on exchange in Italy.

I always had it in my mind that I wanted to go to Italy. The language, the culture, the food, everything appealed to me. So, I went for a high school exchange for 3 months.

The three months flew by, and I never expected to get used to my new life in Italy so quickly. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I have had, from my family in Belgium, my host family, friends, classmates, school in Italy, and from STS.

Life in Italy

I stayed in Savona, a town on the north coast of Italy. When I arrived at the airport, my host family was already waiting there, eager and excited to see me. My host family consisted of 2 parents and 3 sisters aged 10, 14, and 17. Thanks to my host family, I learned a huge amount and saw many beautiful places. They took me to Venice, Tuscany, Cinque Terre, and more!

I was quickly made very welcome by my sisters. They included me in their daily lives. I was in the same class as my eldest host sister, and she introduced me to all her friends. Thanks to the middle sister, I started scouting. The scouts were also very welcoming, and we even went to France together!

Learning Italian

In the beginning, it was difficult to follow the lessons properly because I didn't speak any Italian. But in cooperation with the school, I was able to take many Italian lessons, which helped me understand more and more. My sister also helped me with my homework.

Most of the Italian, I learned in my family though. In the beginning, we spoke English, but since not everyone could speak English, it was sometimes difficult to communicate, so I was soon obliged to try to speak Italian.

Differences between Italy and Belgium

Life in Belgium and Italy is very different. In Belgium, I live in the countryside, and in Italy I suddenly found myself in the city. The school day ends much earlier in Italy than in Belgium, so I had the whole afternoon to do something with the family, go to the beach, visit another city, or just go for an ice cream.


I would recommend going on exchange to anyone, because I am convinced it is the best way to grow on a personal level. I learned that you have to dare to be open to new adventures and that spending time abroad is a great eye-opener. I feel better now than ever, and that is entirely thanks to all I learned in Italy.

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