Voor scholieren tussen de 14 en 18,5 jaar

Gustav studied abroad in the USA

Wed May 31 2023

Swedish Gustav was on a high school exchange in the USA in 2010/2011.

“My high school exchange in the USA in 2010/2011 made me realize the importance of experiencing different cultures, the value of fluent English, and the incredible benefits of having a network of friends around the world. An exchange program truly opens up nu-merous doors and has shaped my life in countless ways! Since my exchange, I have spent 8 out of 12 years abroad, something I know I wouldn't have done otherwise.

After my exchange, I quickly started missing the international lifestyle: having friends from different countries, being influenced by diverse cultures, and experiencing new things. I soon saved up enough for a trip to Singapore to visit my cousins who lived there. Shortly after, I went to New Zealand to surf and explore the country for 3 months. But guess what? I ended up staying for three years! After traveling in Southeast Asia, I found myself in England, fell in love with a girl, and now I have been living in London for 4 years.

My exchange year was one of the best years of my life. If I hadn't taken the leap and gone on a high school exchange in 2010, my life would have looked very different. My advice? Don't see "missing" a year at home as a barrier to going abroad – it is so incredibly worth it!”

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