Bli kjent med våre elever

Har du hjertet på rett sted og kunne tenke deg å ha en utvekslingselev boende hos deg? Eller kanskje du vet om noen andre som kunne tenke seg det? Vil du bli kjent med en ny kultur og få en venn for livet? Vi er på jakt etter engasjerte familier til våre utvekslingselever som kommer til Norge fra hele verden. Da kan du melde interesse for å bli vertsfamilie her. Å melde interesse er selvfølgelig ikke-bindende.

Om høsten kommer det nye elever til Norge fra land som USA, Brasil, Japan, Tyskland, Sverige, Italia og flere. Som vertsfamilie kan du selvsagt velge hvilken elev du ønsker å ha boende hos deg, så benytt muligheten til å lese mer og bli kjent med de ulike elevene for å se om en av dem kunne passet for din familie!

Og meld deg gjerne på et av våre informasjonsmøter, hvor vi forteller mer om hvordan det er å være vertsfamilie. Du kan også lese våre vanlige spørsmål og om våre tidligere vertsfamiliers erfaringer med å ha en utvekslingselev boende hos seg.

Ønsker du informasjon om andre elever send oss gjerne en mail på eller ta kontakt på telefon 23 35 88 50.

Ema from Slovakia

Year of birth: 2009 ​
Home country: Slovakia ​
Exchange country: Norway ​
Languages: Slovak, English, German ​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026 ​
Video presentation: Ema introductory video

Who is Ema?​
Ema is a 15-year-old girl from Slovakia. She lives in a house in a village near the capital city with her parents, her brother, and their dog. Ema is a curious and open-minded person with a strong interest in nature, particularly the fjords and Northern Lights of Norway. She is currently studying in a bilingual English gymnasium, where she enjoys subjects like English, science, and literature. In her free time, Ema plays the flute in a school orchestra, practices aerial acrobatics, and enjoys skiing and outdoor activities. She also loves reading and spending time with her dog. Ema aspires to pursue a career in medicine or medical laboratory work.​

Why does Ema want to do an exchange?​
Ema wants to do an exchange to experience Norwegian culture firsthand, particularly the outdoor lifestyle and the natural beauty of the country. She is excited about the possibility of returning to Norway for her university studies and believes this exchange will help her grow in confidence and independence. Additionally, Ema is eager to learn the Norwegian language and further her education in subjects like English and science. She also looks forward to participating in winter sports and exploring Norwegian traditions, while sharing some of her own Slovak traditions with her host family.

Greetings from Ema:​
"Thank you for considering me as a part of your family! I am truly looking forward to this unforgettable experience."​

Veza​ from Germany

Year of birth: 2009​
Home country: Germany ​
Exchange country: Norway​
Languages: German, English, French​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026 ​
Video presentation: Veza introductory video

Who is Veza?​
Veza is a 15-years old girl from Germany. She lives in Berlin with both her parents. She has three older siblings, two sisters and one brother. They like to spend time together and do activities like skiing, gardening, cooking and sailing. The family loves animals and has three dogs and the thirteen chickens that lives in their garden.​
Veza describes herself as an open-minded young girl who enjoys meeting new people. Her favorite subjects in school is art, because of her creativity. Specifically, she enjoys crocheting, handcrafts and cooking. In the summertime she enjoys sailing and she is also active in the scouting. One's a year she goes on a skiing trip with her family in Austria. ​

Why does Veza want to do an exchange?​
"Why did I choose Norway as my host country? As a child I travelled a lot with my family, including the Nordic countries such as Denmark, Iceland and the Baltic States. I have a general intrest in the traditions and culture of the Nordic countries. I always wanted to learn more about and get to know them. When it came to my choice, Norway immediately caught my eye. It has beautiful nature, nice people and it also meets my love for sailing, skiing and handcrafts.​
I am ready to go to new pace, get new experiences and most importantly to have fun."​

Greetings from Veza:​

Altea from Italy

Year of birth: 2008​
Home country: Italy​
Exchange country: Norway​
Languages: Italian, English, German​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026​
Video presentation: Altea introductory video

Who is Altea?​
Altea is a 16 years old girl from the northen Italy. She lives in the hearts of the alps with her mother and father. In their family, they speak two languages: Italian and German. Aleta speaks German with her dad and Italian with her mom.​
Currently, she goes to art school in a different valley together with her friends. She loves spending time outside, either skiing, hiking, or just taking a walk in the forest. One thing she is always looking forward to is the vacation she does with her family ones a year.

Why does Altea want to do an exchange?​
"Maybe you´re wondering why I want to attend the exchange program, there are a few reasons: I really want to meet new people and see new places, and this is the best opportunity to do it while studying. I decided to choose Norway because I´ve been there several times on our family road trips. I really started to like the country and wanted to return to learn the language and live In it. Throughout this program I get the change I don´t want to miss it."​

Greetings from Altea:​
"Into your family I will bring for sure my crazyness and happiness as I´m always ready for new adeventures. I see life in a possitive way and don´t give up at the first difficulty, I try to find a solution when something doesn´t go my way. I hope to learn a lot about Norwegian traditions and culture and try to adapt myself as much as possible to your lifestyle.​

Thank you and see you soon!"

Nina from Italy

Year of birth: 2008​
Home country: Italy​
Exchange country: Norway​
Languages: Italian, French, English​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026​
Video presentation: Nina introductory video

Who is Nina?​
Nina is a 17 years old girl from Northen Italy. She lived in France for a couple of years, due to her parent´s job. There she learnt French as well as Italian. She describes herself as an introvert person, but once she get comfortable, she is very friendly and warm. She enjoys the calmness and beauty of nature. ​

Music is a big part of her life. She loves every aspect of it, from listening to it, to playing it, singing it and writing it. She believes this is the most powerful forms of communication and ways to create a bond between people. Her music interest is also something she shares with her brother; their bond is very strong.​

Why does Nina want to do an exchange? ​
"Scandinavia has been fascinating to me for as long as I can remember. One of my favorite music artists is Norwegian singer AURORA, and the things I like the most about her music are the lyrics and the melodies she writes."​

Greetings from Nina:​
"I am very eager to meet you, get to know you, and hope I can bring some warm and peaceful Italian sunshine in your lives :)​
Yours sincerely,​

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