Bli kjent med våre elever

Har du hjertet på rett sted og kunne tenke deg å ha en utvekslingselev boende hos deg? Eller kanskje du vet om noen andre som kunne tenke seg det? Vil du bli kjent med en ny kultur og få en venn for livet? Vi er på jakt etter engasjerte familier til våre utvekslingselever som kommer til Norge fra hele verden. Da kan du melde interesse for å bli vertsfamilie her. Å melde interesse er selvfølgelig ikke-bindende.

Om høsten kommer det nye elever til Norge fra land som USA, Brasil, Japan, Tyskland, Sverige, Italia og flere. Som vertsfamilie kan du selvsagt velge hvilken elev du ønsker å ha boende hos deg, så benytt muligheten til å lese mer og bli kjent med de ulike elevene for å se om en av dem kunne passet for din familie!

Og meld deg gjerne på et av våre informasjonsmøter, hvor vi forteller mer om hvordan det er å være vertsfamilie. Du kan også lese våre vanlige spørsmål og om våre tidligere vertsfamiliers erfaringer med å ha en utvekslingselev boende hos seg.

Ønsker du informasjon om andre elever send oss gjerne en mail på eller ta kontakt på telefon 23 35 88 50.

Filippo fra Italia

Year of birth: 2008​
Home country: Italy​
Exchange country: Norway​
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, German​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026​
Video presentation: Coming soon...

Who is Filippo?​
Filippo is a 16-year-old from a peaceful town known for its famous clock tower. He lives with his mother Agata, an architect, his father Simone, a farm advisor and basketball coach, and his older sister Valentina, who studies in Trieste after spending a year in France. Filippo is a dedicated student, with a strong passion for sports, particularly football, which he plays in a local team. He also enjoys music, especially Italian artists, and has an interest in art and geography. Traveling has always been important to him, and he’s looking forward to continue exploring different cultures.​

Why does Filippo want to do an exchange?​
Filippo wants to step outside of his comfort zone and experience a new culture, inspired by his sister’s positive exchange experience in France. He hopes to improve his language skills and broaden his knowledge of business economics. Filippo is looking forward to being placed with an active and sporty host family, ideally with a host brother around his age, and he’s excited about the opportunity to challenge himself and learn from a different cultural perspective.​

Greetings from Filippo:​
"Thank you for your time!​
Yours truly,​

Ema from Slovakia

Year of birth: 2009 ​
Home country: Slovakia ​
Exchange country: Norway ​
Languages: Slovak, English, German ​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026 ​
Video presentation: Ema introductory video

Who is Ema?​
Ema is a 15-year-old girl from Slovakia. She lives in a house in a village near the capital city with her parents, her brother, and their dog. Ema is a curious and open-minded person with a strong interest in nature, particularly the fjords and Northern Lights of Norway. She is currently studying in a bilingual English gymnasium, where she enjoys subjects like English, science, and literature. In her free time, Ema plays the flute in a school orchestra, practices aerial acrobatics, and enjoys skiing and outdoor activities. She also loves reading and spending time with her dog. Ema aspires to pursue a career in medicine or medical laboratory work.​

Why does Ema want to do an exchange?​
Ema wants to do an exchange to experience Norwegian culture firsthand, particularly the outdoor lifestyle and the natural beauty of the country. She is excited about the possibility of returning to Norway for her university studies and believes this exchange will help her grow in confidence and independence. Additionally, Ema is eager to learn the Norwegian language and further her education in subjects like English and science. She also looks forward to participating in winter sports and exploring Norwegian traditions, while sharing some of her own Slovak traditions with her host family.

Greetings from Ema:​
"Thank you for considering me as a part of your family! I am truly looking forward to this unforgettable experience."​

Isabel​ from United States

Year of birth: 2009​
Home country: United States ​
Exchange country: Norway ​
Languages: English ​
Period of stay: August 2025 – June 2026 ​
Video presentation: Coming soon...

Who is Isabel?​
Isabel is a 15-year-old girl from California who lives near Lake Tahoe, surrounded by mountains and lakes that offer plenty of outdoor activities. She is passionate about skiing, hiking, biking, and spending time outside, with skiing being a major part of her life. Isabel is a dedicated ski coach at a local resort, working with smaller children. During the summer, she enjoys working as a camp counselor and volunteering as a teacher’s assistant at a nearby elementary school. Isabel is also a dedicated student, taking advanced placement classes and learning to balance her academics with work and leisure. After high school, she wants to become an elementary school teacher. Isabel is close to her family, living with her parents, her younger sister, and their dog, Ruby.​

Why does Isabel want to do an exchange?​
Isabel wants to do an exchange to explore Norway, a country that has intrigued her for years due to her Norwegian ancestry. She is excited to immerse herself in Norwegian culture, learn the language, and experience the beauty of the country, from the fjords to the mountains and fishing towns. Isabel is particularly motivated to become fluent in Norwegian and to try new sports like Nordic skiing. Having never traveled abroad, she sees this as an incredible opportunity to broaden her horizons and connect with her family’s roots while gaining new experiences.​

Greetings from Isabel:​
"I am super excited to meet you this fall! ​
Sincerely, ​

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