STS High School 14–18 years of age
Empowering young people since 1958

Rayn studied abroad in Sweden

Tue Aug 27 2024

Hi, my name is Rayn. I‘m from Germany and had the chance to be an exchange student in Linköping, Sweden for half a year.

Why I chose to go to Sweden as an exchange student

I have always wanted to experience the life, culture, and school system in another country. I wanted to live somewhere else, not just travel there on vacation. When I heard about the possibility of an exchange year or semester, I immediately thought of Sweden. I had never been there before, but always enjoyed looking at Swedish landscapes and cities on TV.

Going to a new school

The school I attended in Sweden was really good. It was a small high school for students in the last 3 grades. The people were really kind and the teachers were gorgeous! I had an amazing learning experience. Of course, I had to get used to all the new things, the scheme, and especially to find the right room for all the lessons! But once I had a routine, it was like going to school in my home country. In my opinion, even better.

Living with a host family

First of all, it’s super interesting to see how daily life works in another family. Living with a host family is so much different than moving abroad on one’s own to study. Your host family can help you a lot with the orientation in your city, in your host country in general, and whenever you have problems, you can talk to them. I got along really well with my host family and we did a lot of cool activities together! Moving back to my home country, I know that I have a second family, and I will always be connected to them.

Making friends

The first chance to make new friends is in school. On my first day, after introducing myself to the class, my teacher chose two of my classmates who had the job to look after me and help me in case I had questions. Soon, I found a friend group in class, with which I spent most of my time. I recommend to talk to as many people as possible, even to the most introverted people, because great friendships can be formed!

You often get to know many other exchange students, for example you get this chance at the STS Welcome Camp and several STS activities! Sometimes, exchange students from other organizations go to your school, too. That’s how I made a really good friend!

In your free time, you have all the possibilities of making friends. No matter if you play a sport, an instrument, or just enjoy hanging out with other young people. You will for sure get to know other people by just joining a sports team, orchestra, youth club, the scouts, etc.


I suggest not to have many expectations or hopes for your exchange, e. g. how your host family will look like or which school you will attend. Your exchange will be a great experience, no matter if you have host siblings or not, or if you go to a small or big school! I did not expect anything and was really happy with my whole exchange experience!

If you have any problems during your exchange, you can always talk to your host parents, your local coordinator, and your mentor/tutor at school.

Main learnings from my time abroad

First of all, I developed much more self-confidence in just a few months! I learned to get along by myself and in a new environment much better. Of course, I also learned and practiced a new language, which was much more fun than learning a language in school in my home country. What I also learned was that it’s always okay to ask for help and to set yourself boundaries, for example, not getting too stressed over school or activities.

How my high school exchange affects my future

My high school exchange has had a bigger impact on my life than anything else. After coming back to my home country, I realized I had completely lost my fear of new places and situations. I also have a goal in life now: To improve my Swedish and to live in Sweden one day, because I really fell in love with the country.

Things I would have done differently

If I could do it again, I would choose to go on an exchange for a full year instead of just half a year, because it was the best time of my life. But this is just my personal experience, many other people would probably be totally fine with going abroad for only 6 months!

My experience with STS

I think STS is a great organization and going on exchange with STS is an awesome experience. STS is always there for the exchange students and families: Before applying, many video- conferences take place in which STS informs about the exchange year, the different countries, and the application procedure. While applying, your program manager is there to answer all of your questions. Every exchange student has a local coordinator who will check up on you once a month, plus you can contact them anytime.

By starting with the welcome camp at the beginning of your exchange year, there are several possibilities to get to know other exchange students. Later on, STS organizes activity weekends for exchange students in several countries. Those are not included in the price of your exchange year, but definitely worth it!

Why study abroad

Studying abroad is an experience I suggest everyone should do once. Just living in another country for some time gives you so many new impressions about how life can be under other circumstances, like another culture, different climate, in another house, in another school.

You become so much wiser! Not only do you have the chance to learn a new language and practise it in real-life situations, but also learn a lot about yourself, and become way more independant.

Advise for every exchange student

  • Don’t compare yourself to any other exchange students, every exchange experience is
    unique and has its advantages and disadvantages!
  • Don‘t be afraid to ask for help. It is totally understandable that living with a new family,
    going to a new school, and trying to talk to people in a language you‘re still practicing isn’t a piece of cake!
  • You are enough! There’s no need to feel bad about yourself.
  • Do not wait too long to do things you want to do, like talking to new people or trying out a new activity. Overcoming your fears is really worth it!
  • To get to know your host family or your new mates better, I suggest playing a game or doing an activity in the city, like mini golf or shuffleboard :)
  • Enjoy your time, it‘s the first and last time you will be an exchange student!

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